Once night falls, all the good resolutions disappear... and here we are, hoovering up all the provisions, like two hungry werewolves... Fortunately, for the moment the crossings are limited to a few days, this avoids scarcity and avoids to choose the unlucky one !
6/ -Still !! We have chance, weather's good and we have good wind !
-Noooooo !!!!
7/ Aaaaaah !
This is how the superstition of sailors looks lile : some light a candle for Glory Mary, others refuse to speak about a big ears animal, others ban women on board...
On the Sweety, 50% of the crew decreed that it was forbidden to verbally satisfy the present moment or it brings the risk of attracting the evil eye!!!
But 50% of the crew worked on statistics, and this anecdote is true 50% of the time!!!