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Nothing's better for staying awake!

You will notice, dear loyal readers, that this sailboat is not ours??  We could never welcome such a crowd in our boxes!

 Here is a drawing tribute to a sailboat-friend of us whose co-captain is a former repentant drummer who thrills hearts and shrouds, unable to deny his deep nature.

 If you want to take a look at the website of the other co-captain of the ship, one of those who can't sleep down there, and who makes also fascinating portraits of women sailors, it's here:

Good reading !

1/ - This time, it's coming on us! Quick, let's lock ourselves inside!


2/ - I'm taking advantage of the bad weather to make us some little fries with a nice cauliflower gratin!

Since, the Sweety has been adorned with a sweet smell of fried cauliflower... But what do you prefer?  Open the door and make you LIGHTNING or smell the grease??

1/ - Ahoy captain!!

2/ - I have some extra epoxy putty , I'll give it to you!

    - oh well uh...

    - I insist, it will dry, quick!

    - really it's not the...

3/ - Go hop, take it!

     - Well uh...

     - Don't thank me

     - Ah okay...

4/ - ...

     - ...

5/ - But whatareyoudoing...?

     - I don't know how to say no ...

Mutual help between sailors is the most precious thing in the world!! Even when you don't need it! 😂

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