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Dear Greece and its crowd of cats!!

In France, a yachtman told us that their cat was a Greek cat who had climbed on board by pulling himself onto their mooring ropes... he had never left them since! One of us, excited by this story, had hatched a secret plan to come to Greece for adopting a cat... Project aborted at the last minute on the quay... and anyway, cats never want to go on the Sweety!

- We have too much sails on, here, can we reduce it a little?

- Dunno, we get an awersome speed !...

- Yes, but it’s hard to keep the course !

- Don't worry, I'll help you in the gusts!

- Puuuuush

- But puuuull

Sometimes when you're on a sailboat you feel like you're on a horse! Ours is rather stubborn like a mule...

 (well, we accuse it to clear ourselves of the fact that we should have reduced the sail...)

- Oh look!!! He waves his arms regularly!! No doubt, this man needs help!

- He doesn't answer the radio!

- Let's hurry and maneuver!

- I remove the pilote!

- Free the sheet!

- I'm gybing the mainsail!

- I'm passing the jib!

- ... You don't need help...?

- Well no, I was saying hello...

- Ah because it's the SOS sign when...

- And you, do you need help?

- Eh?

- ... A small tool perhaps?

It's funny, in fact, we are often offered tools, we thought we were pretty well equipped...!

 Well... we must admit that we also said hello a little too enthusiastically which cast doubt to the boat we were greeting on a Sardinia-Sicily crossing... ahala, a youthful mistake...

Last published:

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