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- It’s deep here! it will be heavy to pull it back tomorrow morning...

- Nevermind, it's gonna be okay...


- Aaah finally done !! Let's jump to bed ! I'm exhausted..

- How can I tell her that we have to start over everything...?

Every single time ! It is systematic. There's always a boat to anchor right where we planned to put ours...

But hey, when you don't have a head you have arms! 💪💪

(Ah stupid he misunderstood...)

(Since then we have been constantly doing articulation exercises: "seven-meters seven-meters seven-meters")

- We caught something!!


- After months and months of nothingness...

- I'm getting the frying pan ready! So hungry ❤

- Oh...

- Poor boy...

- I read that this is a CORB! A threatened species. We have to release him!

-AaaAh FIOU!! Fly away little prince ❤

To the recurring question “So, what did you catch during this crossing??”, we shamefully lower our eyes and take stock of our lives: Never, oh never, we will be self-sufficient, despite the many gifts from our benefactors who, thinking good, offer us fishing manuals and lures of all kinds...

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