- What is your canoe?
- A Sangria.
- It doesn't look like... What kind of engine do you have?
- An 8 horsepower.
- I doubt about it. It's 12 horsespower on Sangria.
-And where are you going?
- To the west
- No, with the weather coming, don't go this way with such a little boat
- ... Yes, we often feel like the smallest boat around here...
- Oh no the smallest I don't think so...
- OKAY, What about eating something?! I'm hungry.
- ...At this time it would surprise me...
And here is a more documentary story on promiscuity which is sometimes not easy in marinas!! Forgive the critical tone but it's better to try to laugh about it! 😁 Next part in the second drawing 😱😱😱