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- I'm going for a paddle ride.

- Alone???!

(...) so you have to take a lifejacket, a whistle, a survival bag, a sweater a talkywalky

... just in case...

... you'll be allright?

... put your leash on..

Message from one: "In my defense, spending too much time together in a small boat, we end up being a little crazy...!" Message from the other: "Help!"


As all good things come to an end, that's it, we left our green paradise... we expected to see two or three sea turtles, we saw a thousand, we had never seen pelicans in our life. saw a slew of them, and we were afraid of missing the pink flamingos but they gave us a real aerial parade for our departure! Hello from the south of the ionian islands and we swear that if you find the name of all the other birds on the drawing we offer you the secret of our anti wasp remedy!!

-Superb weather, flat sea... go for a small quiche!

-Yummy !

-Be careful the wind is turning the swell will be on our side!

-Ok, well, I'm not hungry anymore...


And it's a win for the coxswain, a quiche all to herself!

If you're a player, give us your boat recipe ideas WARNING CONSTRAINT: no oven, no fridge, no freezer, only 2 fires, pans, frying pans, pressure cooker 😁 Whoever wins, we send him our delicious quiche by colissimo 💌

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