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ferry illuminé fonçant dans la nuit sur un voilier qui n'identifie pas ses feux de navigation

- what is this one I can't found it on the coastal navigation code...

WHEN YOUR RECITAL PREVENTS TO SEE YOUR FEATHERS.... (but where are his navigation lights??) But what players are these Infamous of the Sea hiding their nav lights in the middle of all these garlands!

Voilier sous spi chahuté par les vagues d'un bateau à moteur


ACTUALLY NOT We should oblige them, these motorists, to an initiatory day of sailing during the coastal license, so that they better understand our miserable and slow existence subject to the vagaries of the various surrounding swells, artificial or natural...!

Pêcheur en méditerranée posant un filet autour d'un voilier au mouillage


We were just wondering what was under these traps that constantly threaten our propellers during night arrivals....that gives us plenty of time to stay and contemplate how the fish get trapped in the meshes of these nets . Thank you happy fisherman!

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